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1011 Cass Street, Suite 107
Monterey, CA 93940

(831) 324-0416

Monterey Bay Center for Integrated Health is a Center that focuses on Health and Nutritional Medicine with a Holistic approach. We are an Authorized Distributor of Ideal Protein Weight Loss and Diet Program, serving Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove, Carmel Valley, Salinas Valley, Marina, Seaside and the Monterey Bay, California, USA


Metabolic Syndrome Characteristics

Although it was only identified less than 20 years ago, metabolic syndrome is as widespread as pimples and the common cold. According to the American Heart Association, 47 million Americans have it. That's almost a staggering 1 out of every 6 people!

In other countries: Around 25% of adults in Europe and Latin America are estimated to have the condition, and rates are rising in developing East Asian countries. Within the US, Mexican Americans have the highest prevalence of metabolic syndrome. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome increases with age, and about 40% of people over 60 are affected.

Metabolic syndrome also goes by the scary-sounding name "Syndrome X."

Other names for metabolic syndrome are:

  • Dysmetabolic syndrome
  • Hypertriglyceridemic waist
  • Insulin resistance syndrome
  • Obesity syndrome

The Problem

The Problem

Effects on the Body

Effects on the Body

Given how common metabolic syndrome is, everyone should be worried about the risk factors. After all, metabolic syndrome can dramatically increase your risk of serious health problems, such as diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes -- yet often people don't even know what metabolic syndrome is

Most of the metabolic syndrome risk factors don't have any symptoms. Often, the only outward sign is packing some extra weight in the belly, which usually results in a larger waist.

The only way to find out if you have metabolic syndrome is to meet with your doctor. He or she will check your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. It's another reason that regular check-ups are the key to staying healthy. 

Metabolic syndrome is present in about 5% of people with normal body weight. It is present in about 22% of individuals who are overweight, and 60% of individuals considered obese. Adults who continue to gain 5 or more pounds per year raise their risk of developing metabolic syndrome by up to 45%

Metabolic syndrome is also becoming more common. The good news is that it can be controlled

People with metabolic syndrome are most often overweight or obese. The syndrome runs in families, and is more common among African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans. Further, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome increases with age.

Experts say that metabolic syndrome is becoming more common because of rising obesity rates. Moreover, having extra fat in the belly (as opposed to elsewhere in the body) seems to increase the risk. Even people who are not obese may have inherited a higher risk. This includes people who have parents or other first-degree relatives with diabetes.

Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that come together in a single individual. Specifically, metabolic syndrome is a cluster of the following: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol levels, and belly fat – all of which increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Metabolic and immune systems are among the most fundamental requirements for survival. Many metabolic and immune response pathways or nutrient- and pathogen-sensing systems have been evolutionarily conserved throughout species. As a result, immune response and metabolic regulation are highly integrated and the proper function of each is dependent on the other. This interface can be viewed as a central homeostatic mechanism, dysfunction of which can lead to a cluster of chronic metabolic disorders, particularly obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Collectively, these diseases constitute the greatest current threat to global human health and welfare.

Lifestyle modification is the preferred treatment of metabolic syndrome. Weight reduction usually requires a specifically tailored multifaceted program that includes diet and exercise. Sometimes medications may be useful. Other lifestyle changes may include losing weight, following a heart healthy diet, and quitting smoking.